TV actress Hina Khan has shared her battle with stage 3 breast cancer, marking a poignant turn in her life. The actress, known for her roles in various television shows, including a recent appearance at an award show, disclosed the news with bravery and resolve.

Hina Khan, who recently attended an award ceremony where she received recognition for her work, took to social media to reveal that she was aware of her cancer diagnosis on the same day. In a video shared online, Hina is seen transitioning from the glitz of the red carpet to the stark reality of her first chemotherapy session at a hospital.

“This award night, I knew about my cancer diagnosis, but I made a conscious choice to normalize it – not just for myself, but for all of us,” Hina shared, reflecting on the transformative moment. Despite the challenges ahead, she emphasized her commitment to staying positive and reinventing herself through this ordeal.


Support poured in from fans and fellow celebrities, with her longtime boyfriend Rocky calling her “my fighter,” and actress Arti Singh praising her as an inspiration. Hina’s resilience and determination in facing this adversity have resonated widely, with messages of solidarity and encouragement flooding her social media.

As Hina embarks on this challenging journey, she remains steadfast in her dedication to her work and personal growth, urging others to confront challenges with a spirit of normalization and perseverance.

This revelation marks a significant chapter in Hina Khan’s life, one where courage and optimism serve as guiding lights amidst difficult times.