Veteran actress-turned-politician Hema Malini found herself at the center of a social media storm on Wednesday after a fan’s overly familiar gesture left her visibly irritated during a public event. The incident, captured on video and widely circulated online, shows the Bollywood icon attending an event when a female fan approached her for a photo. However, the situation took a turn when the fan placed her arm around Hema Malini’s back, making the actress uncomfortable. Hema promptly asked the fan to remove her hand, her expression reflecting clear irritation.

The video quickly drew mixed reactions from netizens. While some criticized Hema Malini for being “rude,” others defended her reaction, emphasizing the importance of respecting personal boundaries. One user commented, “Nothing wrong here. Even I wouldn’t like a stranger putting her hand on my shoulder. People need to understand boundaries & personal space.”

This isn’t the first time Hema Malini has expressed discomfort in a similar situation. Earlier this year, at the launch of Gulzar’s authorized biography Gulzar Saab: Hazar Rahein Mud Ke Dekhin, she was visibly annoyed when a fan asked for a selfie, responding, “Selfie lene ke liye thode aaye hain” (We’re not here to take selfies). That incident also went viral, sparking discussions about the fine line between fan enthusiasm and respect for a celebrity’s personal space.

A Storied Career and Personal Life

Hema Malini, known for her illustrious career in Bollywood, has starred in several blockbuster films including Sholay, Jamai Raja, Kudrat, Desh Premee, Jyoti, Kranti, Do Aur Do Paanch, and Baghban. Her last appearance on the big screen was in the 2020 film Shimla Mirchi.

In her personal life, Hema Malini is married to veteran actor Dharmendra. The couple first met in 1970 while shooting for the film Tum Haseen Main Jawaan and tied the knot in 1980. They share two daughters, Esha Deol and Ahana Deol. Earlier this year, Hema Malini celebrated Dharmendra’s 88th birthday with a heartfelt post on Instagram, where she expressed her deep love and admiration for her husband, sharing a loving note that resonated with fans.

As the video of the recent incident continues to circulate, the debate over fan behavior and celebrity reactions remains a hot topic, highlighting the ongoing conversation about the balance between admiration and respect for personal space.