Amitabh Bachchan, the legendary actor and beloved host, has made a triumphant return to the popular quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC). After an emotional farewell last year, Bachchan is back by popular demand, with the 16th season of KBC premiering on Monday at 9 pm on Sony Entertainment Television.
The 16th season of the most popular & loved show of Bharatiya Television🇮🇳 #KaunBanegaCrorepati hosted by @SrBachchan Gurudev ji commences. My best of wishes. 🙌❤️ #KBC16 @SonyTV @arunshesh ji @prashantkawadia @VikasAgarwalll @DrAnilLoveAB @AmitJos58870630 @raj20k @RajibMittra
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As the episode began, Amitabh Bachchan was greeted with a thunderous applause from the studio audience as he made his customary dash to the KBC set. Taking his seat, he addressed the viewers with a heartfelt message in Hindi. “Today marks the beginning of a new season, but I find myself at a loss for words,” he said, expressing deep gratitude for the love and support that has kept the show alive. “No words can adequately convey my thanks for your prayers that have breathed new life into Kaun Banega Crorepati, illuminating this stage once again, reuniting a family, and allowing me to stand before you today.”
He continued, “This stage is yours, this game is yours, and this season belongs entirely to you. To honor your love, I will give twice the effort, and I trust that you will continue to support me as you always have.” His words moved the audience, who responded with smiles, applause, and even a few tears.
The first episode of KBC 16 saw contestant Utkarsh Baxi secure the hot seat after winning the “Fastest Fingers First” round. Baxi played skillfully up to the ₹25,00,000 question but ultimately chose to walk away with ₹3,20,000 after being unable to answer the high-stakes query.
This season introduces a new feature called ‘Dugnaastra,’ which allows contestants to double their winnings after correctly answering a ‘super sawaal.’ However, there’s a catch—the question comes without multiple-choice options, adding an extra layer of challenge.
Amitabh Bachchan has been the face of Kaun Banega Crorepati since its debut in 2000, with the exception of the third season in 2007, which was hosted by Shah Rukh Khan. Beyond the small screen, Bachchan is set to appear in upcoming films Section 84 and Vettaiyan.
As KBC 16 unfolds, viewers can expect more thrilling moments and heartfelt interactions with the iconic host, whose return has already set the stage for another memorable season.