At Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s grand wedding in Mumbai, there were adorable baby calves called ‘gaiyyas’. Singer Shreya Ghoshal shared an inside video from the event, where she and other singers added a musical touch with their soulful voices. On Tuesday, Shreya posted a video from the wedding showing her dressed in a beautiful brown and golden lehenga, petting two cute calves named Riddhi and Siddhi. The calves were surrounded by caretakers and security. Overwhelmed by their cuteness, Shreya captioned her Instagram post, “The cutest thing that happened in the last few days was this (heart eyes and heart emojis). Riddhi-Siddhi the cutest prettiest gaiyyas.” Fans loved the video, with comments like “Three cuties (heart emoji)” and “So adorable.” One fan even said, “This is the most wholesome video I have seen all year.”
Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani, married Radhika Merchant, daughter of industrialist Viren Merchant, in a spectacular wedding on July 12 at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai. The event was attended by many international celebrities and high-profile guests. Radhika’s bridal entry was particularly memorable; she arrived on a peacock-shaped boat wearing a stunning ivory and red ensemble that combined traditional motifs with modern aesthetics, with live singing by Shreya Ghoshal making it even more magical.
The celebrations continued with the ‘Shubh Aashirwad’ ceremony on July 13 and the ‘Mangal Utsav,’ or wedding reception, on July 14. At the Ashirwad ceremony, Shreya, along with Shankar Mahadevan, Kaushiki Chakraborty, Sonu Nigam, and Hariharan, performed a beautiful rendition of the bhajan “Ram Ram Jai Raja Ram.”
Other celebrities spotted at the Ashirwad ceremony at Mumbai’s Jio World Centre included Shah Rukh Khan and his family, Salman Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Khushi Kapoor, Shanaya Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, and Sara Ali Khan. Global celebrities like Kim and Khloe Kardashian were also present.
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