Anushka Sharma, who has been absent from films for a while, delighted her fans on Friday by appearing in a new television commercial for an ethnic wear brand. The Bollywood actress shared the ad on her Instagram, showcasing herself in various traditional outfits. From a vibrant yellow anarkali suit to an elegant white kurti, Anushka looked stunning in every ensemble. In the video, she also danced joyfully as she embraced the festive season in India.

Her surprise appearance left fans thrilled. Shortly after the video went live, her followers flocked to the comments section to shower her with compliments. One admirer wrote, “She’s smile, she’s cuteness, she’s a reaction, and especially she’s voice, so wonderful ❤️.” Another added, “She looks so pretty.” Alongside her fans, several supporters of her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli, affectionately referred to her as “Bhabhi ji” in the comments. You can watch the video here:

Anushka and Virat first met in 2013 while filming a television commercial. They fell in love but kept their relationship private. The couple tied the knot in 2017 in an intimate ceremony in Italy. In January 2021, they welcomed their first child, a daughter named Vamika. Earlier this year, in February, they became parents again, welcoming a baby boy named Akaay. The family has since relocated to London to enjoy a more private life away from the limelight.

On the professional front, Anushka Sharma is gearing up for her return to the big screen in the film Chakda Xpress, a biopic based on the life of cricketer Jhulan Goswami. This film marks Anushka’s comeback after six years, following her last appearance in Zero alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif. The sports drama will be released on Netflix, although the official release date has yet to be announced.