Virat Kohli and his wife, Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, attended a Krishna Das kirtan at Nesco, Mumbai, on October 20. The event’s organizers shared photos of the couple enjoying the live event from the front row. In the visuals, Anushka is seen clapping along with the crowd, while Kohli appears visibly happy.
The organizers posted the pictures on social media, saying, “Virat and Anushka joined us at Krishna Das Live in Mumbai today, seeking blessings and connecting with the serene atmosphere. Their presence added to the collective devotion, making the gathering even more special.”
Attendees also recorded a video of the couple enjoying the kirtan, which was later shared online.
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This isn’t the first time the couple has attended a Krishna Das kirtan. Earlier in July, they were spotted at a similar event by Krishna Das in London.
Meanwhile, Kohli recently participated in the first Test against New Zealand in Bengaluru, where India lost by eight wickets. In that match at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Kohli scored 0 and 70 in the two innings, with India experiencing collapses in both. The second Test of the three-match series between India and New Zealand is scheduled for October 24.
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