Director Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s latest film, 12th Fail, has turned out to be a hit. Starring Vikrant Massey, the movie traces the inspiring life of a young boy from Chambal who fails his 12th class but eventually becomes an IPS officer. Now, 12th Fail will be released in Telugu on November 3.
The Hindi movie was released on October 27 and in the five days since release has earned around Rs 10 crore. According to, the movie made Rs 1.75 crore on October 30 and is currently set to hit the Rs 10 crore mark.
Trade analyst Taran Adrash wrote on X on November 1, “#12thFail maintains a SUPER-STRONG GRIP on Day 5… Truly UNSTOPPABLE… Look at its day-wise trends – FANTASTIC… Fri 1.10 cr, Sat 2.50 cr, Sun 3.10 cr, Mon 1.50 cr, Tue 1.65 cr. Total: Rs 9.85 cr. #India biz. #Boxoffice.”
The movie is based on Anurag Pathak’s book titled ‘12th Fail’ and it chronicles the life of real-life IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma. Manoj is from Chambal, Madhya Pradesh, and he cleared the UPSC on his fourth attempt with an All-India Rank of 121.
12th Fail is produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Yogesh Ishwar. The 71-year-old director has edited the film along with Jaskunwar Kohli, while the cinematography has been handled by Rangarajan Ramabadran.
Vikrant Massey essays Manoj Kumar Sharma in the film and critics and the audience have hailed his performance. Medha Shankar, Priyanshu Chatterjee, Sanjay Bishnoi and Harish Khanna co-star in
the film.