Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey stunned fans by announcing his retirement on Monday via Instagram. His decision came as a surprise, especially considering he is at the peak of his career, enjoying success with critically acclaimed films and web series. Massey has delivered standout performances in films like 12th Fail, Sector 36, The Sabarmati Report, Chhapaak, Haseen Dillruba, and the web series Mirzapur and Criminal Justice.
Vikrant Massey’s net worth is estimated to be between Rs. 20 crore and Rs. 26 crore, according to Lifestyle Aisa and Asianet. His wealth primarily comes from his successful acting career in both Bollywood and web series, alongside his work in television. Despite being offered lucrative television contracts, such as a Rs. 35 lakh/month deal, Massey chose to focus on more meaningful cinema instead. He now commands approximately ₹1.5 crore per film. Massey has also supplemented his income through social media campaigns and brand endorsements.
Massey’s passion for style and performance is clear in his impressive car collection. He owns a Mercedes-Benz GLS worth Rs. 1.16 crore, a Volvo S90 priced at Rs. 60 lakh, and a Maruti Swift Dzire valued at over Rs. 8 lakh for practical use. Additionally, he owns a Ducati Monster motorcycle worth Rs. 12 lakh, showcasing his love for high-performance vehicles.
Along with his wife, Sheetal Thakur, Vikrant Massey resides in a luxurious apartment with stunning sea views on Madh Island. Their home, purchased in 2020, features earthy tones, modern furniture, and curated artwork, giving it a bohemian charm. The highlight of their residence is a serene balcony overlooking the Arabian Sea, which Massey affectionately refers to as “nature’s art.”
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