The film “Leo” starring Vijay has reportedly surpassed the remarkable milestone of Rs 600 crore in global earnings within just 25 days of its release. According to trade tracker Sacnilk, this achievement was reached on Monday, marking a significant success for the Lokesh Kanagaraj-directed movie. Despite facing competition from festival releases such as “JigarthandaDoubleX” and “Japan,” Leo has continued to draw audiences to theatres nationwide, contributing to its impressive box office figures.
Leo now stands as the third Tamil film ever to cross the Rs 600 crore mark globally, following the footsteps of Rajinikanth’s “2.0” and “Jailer.” Vijay joins the ranks as the second hero in Tamil cinema to achieve this feat. However, despite its incredible success, it’s speculated that Leo may not surpass Jailer’s lifetime record of approximately Rs 650 crore.
As Leo approaches the final phase of its theatrical run, the chances of it accumulating higher numbers seem improbable.
The movie “Leo” appears to carry a familiar charm, drawing upon a mix of diverse elements appealing to a broad audience. It navigates through varied moods and incorporates a somewhat predictable yet engaging storyline. Unlike the satirical tone of “A History of Violence,” “Leo” leans into a different direction, offering a vehicle that aligns with the star power of Vijay.
Vijay’s presence in “Leo” brings to light his capabilities, especially evident in dynamic fight sequences that are meticulously choreographed and filmed. Additionally, the character’s identity dilemma, particularly when Parthiban expresses disbelief in being Leo, creates a nuanced layer, challenging the viewers’ assumptions.
Vijay’s charisma, synonymous with many action stars, sets its own surreal standards in the movie. His character urges for self-belief, a characteristic intrinsic to this genre of film, although the pacing of the movie might test the patience of those seeking immediate action.
The performance by Vijay, portraying Parthiban/Leo, oscillates between moments of intensity and instances that may feel somewhat strained. Vijay’s investment in his character is apparent, even in casual yet intense sequences where he dispatches adversaries. “Leo” seems to spotlight Vijay’s prowess amidst animal encounters, vehicular stunts, and celebrity appearances.
Sanjay Dutt’s character, Antony Das, adds an intriguing dimension to the narrative, notably in a scene involving a somewhat eerie ritualistic setting. This contributes to the movie’s knack for presenting the unexpected as a part of its perceived normalcy.
While “Leo” might not exceed expectations, it still offers what audiences familiar with Vijay might anticipate— a display of his talents amid a blend of action sequences and intermittent emotional episodes. For those seeking a Vijay-driven showcase with a touch of the unconventional, “Leo” might just fit the bill.
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