Vijay Deverakonda attended an event in Visakhapatnam to celebrate the success of his film Kushi. His latest film Kushi, Written and directed by Shiva Nirvana, ‘Kushi’ is a romantic comedy starring Vijay Deverakonda and Samantha Ruth Prabhu in lead roles. Kushi is a love story of a couple who fall in love during their individual Kashmir trip and go on to tie the knot amid opposition from their respective families who claim that their horoscopes don’t match. Soon, their marriage hits a roadblock as differences arise between the two. Vijay Deverakonda’s announcement has won him a lot of praise from his fans and well-wishers in the film industry. Many have called him a true hero, both on and off-screen. Vijay Deverakonda said he wants to share his happiness over the success of his film Kushi with fans by sharing his earnings from the film with them. The romantic comedy stars Vijay opposite Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Giving a pleasant surprise to his fans at the event, Vijay said that he will not just be sharing his happiness with his fans, but also his earnings from the film, and went on to announce that he would distribute ₹1 lakh each to 100 families.