Veteran Actress Rekha showed her support towards Aishwarya Rai playing the role of ‘Umrao Jann’ in the remake of the movie Umrao Jaan by JP Dutta. Rekha expressed her excitement towards the remake saying, ‘Aishwarya will do justice with the role.’ She also mentioned that she trusts JP Dutta with his work and claimed JP Dutta has an eye for feminine grace.
Rekha also expressed her curiosity saying, ‘I am curious to know and see what Aishwarya has done with Umrao Jaan.’ She also complimented Aishwarya Rai and shared that Aishwarya is perfect for the role as she has earlier done a similar role in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film Devdas. She also admitted her fascination towards the trend of remake. She said what I did was in the 1980s, the audience needed to move on from that and be open-minded.
Rekha admitted that she believes in both JP Dutta as well as Aishwarya Rai that they will do justice with the remake of the movie and the audience is going to embrace and accept them the way they accepted her.