Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, known for his refined taste in luxury items, recently showcased another exquisite piece from his luxury watch collection. While attending the Locarno Film Festival, SRK was spotted wearing an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar watch — a watch so lavish it could afford a 2BHK apartment in Mumbai. According to The Indian Horology on Instagram, this limited edition watch is valued at USD 499,999, equivalent to ₹4.2 crore, with only 25 pieces crafted globally. The actor wore this statement timepiece during his interview with Giona A. Nazzaro, Artistic Director of the festival.


Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar: Craftsmanship at Its Finest

The Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar worn by Khan is crafted in an 18-carat gold case, accompanied by a matching bracelet. The bezel, made from 18-carat white gold, features scratch-resistant sapphire crystals. With a perpetual calendar displaying day, date, month, astronomical moon, and more, this watch exemplifies high-end horology. Founded in 1875, Audemars Piguet has been a name synonymous with timeless luxury, and SRK’s choice highlights his penchant for exceptional craftsmanship.


A Look at SRK’s Swoon-Worthy Luxury Watch Collection

Shah Rukh’s love for luxury watches doesn’t stop at Audemars Piguet. His collection boasts timepieces from renowned brands like Patek Philippe, TAG Heuer, and Bvlgari. Earlier, at the IIFA 2024 Awards, he sported another Audemars Piguet — the Royal Oak Double Balance Wheel Openworked in 18-carat rose gold, valued at $550,000 (₹4.6 crore). His collection also includes the Patek Philippe Aquanaut 5968A with striking orange straps (₹46.1 lakh), Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore 26401PO (₹43.3 lakh), and the white gold Patek Philippe Nautilus 5811/1G, worth ₹1.37 crore.

Shah Rukh Khan’s watch collection is not just a testament to his love for luxury but also to his appreciation for intricate artistry and classic design.