Suhana Khan, Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter, along with Navya Nanda, a close friend, and younger brother AbRam, joined the Coldplay fan scourge. Suhana posted a number of images from the weekend show on her Instagram last Monday. Her cousin Alia Chhiba joined the Archies performer as well. The matching clothes of Suhana and Navya—both sporting white tank tops, offering ultimate BFF goals—caught the Internet’s attention.
Suhana also showed her brother AbRam in short. Captioning the pictures, she said, “Take me back to the beginning.” See the pictures:
On the second day of the tour, Coldplay’s frontman Chris Martin grabbed the spotlight with a sincere shoutout to Shah Rukh Khan.
One video from the performance went popular, including one in which Chris Martin could be heard saying, “Shah Rukh Khan forever,” just before singing a song. The spectator exploded in applause, therefore demonstrating their obvious support. Here’s the video:
Reacting to Coldplay’s thoughtful gesture, Shah Rukh Khan posted a video of their Mumbai show on Instagram Stories. He penned, “Look at the stars. Look how they sparkle for you… and all of your efforts! I feel unique… like your songs—my brother Chris Martin.
“Love you and a great hug to your team.” You are a friend in a billion. India loves you, Shah Rukh.
Shah Rukh answered, appraising Chris Martin&’s statement, “Chris Martin forever and ever…”
On January 21, the group is scheduled to perform at the DY Patil Sports Stadium in Mumbai.
Coldplay is set to play at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on January 26 and 25.
After their India tour, the band will start their Hong Kong tour in April including shows in South Korea.
The Republic Day show will be broadcast live on Disney+ Hotstar.
Lead singer Chris Martin said in a video message, “Namaste to all our Indian friends.” We are so excited to inform you that on January 26th our Ahmedabad show will be available live on Disney+ Hotstar. You can see it from anywhere in India; We hope you will be able to be with us. We are really thrilled to visit your lovely nation. And we trust you are in good condition. much love.”
Returning to India nine years later were Chris Martin (vocal and piano), Jonny Buckland (guitars), Guy Berryman (bass), Will Champion (drums and percussion), and managing director Phil Harvey; Coldplay did so. At the 2016 Global Citizen Festival, they last appeared.