In the latest episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show, Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy and his wife, philanthropist Sudha Murty, joined the lineup with Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal and his wife, Grecia Munoz. Narayana Murthy shared a humorous anecdote, confessing that he forgot his and Sudha’s 25th wedding anniversary, despite her subtle reminders. He recalled, “One day, I woke up in the morning, and Sudha asked me if there was anything special today. And I said no…nothing.” Heading to the office, she asked him to “think of anything special today,” yet he didn’t catch on.
Also Read: Watch: Deepinder Goyal’s Fanboy Moment with Narayana Murthy, Sudha Murthy on Kapil Sharma Show
Murthy recounted that later that evening, he was en route to Mumbai when he received a call from his daughter, Akshata, who was studying at Stanford in the US. She firmly advised, “‘Cancel the flight right now, and take the first flight out tomorrow morning at 6 and come back to Bangalore and wish my mother and your wife a happy anniversary day.'”
Sudha Murty commented on the incident, saying, “For five-ten minutes I felt bad because I’m also human.” She joked about her cooking skills too, admitting, “Main itna kharab khana banati hu nah. Murthy saab ka weight dekhiye. Kyun aisa hai? (I cook so much worse. Look at Murthy’s weight. Why is it like this?) Thanks to my cooking.”
Hosted by comedian Kapil Sharma, The Great Indian Kapil Show airs new episodes every Saturday on Netflix.
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