Prime Video, India’s leading entertainment destination, took center stage in an enlightening OTT roundtable session at the 54th International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Goa. The discussion, titled ‘What’s the Secret Ingredient that Gives Indian Content Its Global Appeal?’ was part of Film Bazaar, featuring insights from industry leaders, including Sushant Sreeram, country director at Prime Video, India, and Shri Prithul Kumar, Joint Secretary (Films), Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and Managing Director, NFDC.
Sreeram expressed optimism about India’s imminent breakthrough on the international stage, noting the increasing success of Indian stories globally. He emphasised the significance of authentic local storytelling, resonating with local audiences and later gaining international acclaim. Notable examples include ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ and ‘Kantara.’ Sreeram revealed that 50% of Prime Video’s local language content viewership comes from outside the home states, with 25% from outside India, showcasing the platform’s global reach.
Discussing the evolution of independent filmmaking, Shri Prithul Kumar acknowledged the transformative role of streaming services. In the pre-streaming era, independent filmmakers faced challenges in distribution, but now, OTT platforms provide a home for their films. Kumar highlighted streaming’s role in enabling content producers with smaller budgets to dream big, contributing to the sector’s growth and attracting investments to India. Addressing concerns about streaming becoming dominated by big-budget star vehicles, Sreeram countered this notion by presenting Prime Video’s 2023 content slate, emphasizing diversity in titles and talent.
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