Renowned actor Shah Rukh Khan, 58, embarked on a spiritual journey to the sacred Vaishno Devi temple nestled within the Trikuta hills of Jammu and Kashmir’s Reasi district. His visit coincides with the highly anticipated release of his upcoming film ‘Jawan.’ The iconic superstar, known for his cinematic brilliance, reached the temple premises late Tuesday night to offer his prayers.
Sources report that Shah Rukh Khan arrived at the base camp in Katra on Tuesday evening and undertook the new Tarakote route to reach the shrine at approximately 11:40 pm. Adorned in a hooded blue jacket with his face concealed, a brief video circulating on social media provides a glimpse of the actor during his visit to the holy shrine. After partaking in the prayers, he promptly departed.
The actor’s pilgrimage to the Vaishno Devi temple is not his first, showcasing his devotion to seeking spiritual solace in the midst of his busy schedule. With the impending release of ‘Jawan,’ the timing of his visit holds a special significance.