In an incredible story of persistence and fandom, Sher Mohammed, a devoted Shah Rukh Khan fan from Jharkhand, waited outside Khan’s Mumbai residence, Mannat, for over 95 days in the hope of meeting the superstar. His patience was rewarded on SRK’s 59th birthday when he finally got the opportunity to meet the actor in person. The moment was shared by SRK’s fan page @SRKUniverse, which posted a picture of the two, captioned, “King Khan meets the FAN who had travelled from Jharkhand and had been waiting for more than 95 days outside Mannat to meet him! Truly, agar kisi cheez ko pure dil se chaaho. SRK makes his dream come true!”
In the photo, Shah Rukh Khan is seen wearing a casual grey T-shirt, accessorized with a chunky silver neckpiece, stacked bracelets, sunglasses, and a beanie, capturing his signature style. Despite not making his usual appearance on Mannat’s balcony this year, SRK made time for fans through a special meet-and-greet event.
During the event, Shah Rukh shared a personal milestone, revealing that he had recently quit smoking. Speaking to an enthusiastic crowd, he admitted that the journey to quitting was challenging and that he is still adjusting to life without cigarettes. “There’s a good thing – I’m not smoking anymore, guys,” he said, to cheers from the audience. The “Dunki” actor went on to describe the experience, saying, “Mujhe laga tha ki I will not feel so breathless, but abhi bhi feel kar raha hu (I thought I wouldn’t feel breathless after quitting smoking, but I still do).” He added optimistically, “Inshallah, woh bhi theek ho jayega” (By God’s grace, that will also be fine), expressing hope that his health would improve over time.
This birthday marked a unique and memorable celebration for SRK and his fans, who were overjoyed by both the chance to meet the actor and his announcement about a healthier lifestyle. The occasion underscored SRK’s close connection with his fans, who continue to see him not only as a film icon but as an inspiration in life.
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