Sidhartha Mallya, son of the well-known businessman Vijay Mallya, and Jasmine have officially tied the knot in an intimate ceremony held in London. The wedding took place on Saturday, with Jasmine sharing the first photograph from the event on her Instagram Stories shortly afterward. In the picture, Jasmine is elegantly dressed in a white wedding gown, accompanied by Sidhartha Mallya, who is seen wearing a gold wedding band. She proudly displayed her diamond ring with the caption “Forever,” capturing the significance of the moment.

Siddharth Mallya had previously announced their impending wedding on Instagram earlier in the week, marking the start of their “wedding week.” The couple’s engagement was originally announced on Halloween last year, and they were recently seen together on a shopping spree ahead of their nuptials. The ceremony itself was attended by close friends and family, and guests shared photos of personalized wedding favors distributed by the couple.

Jasmine, based on her Instagram profile, resides in the United States and shares interests in Harry Potter, food, and travel. Together with Sidhartha, they own several pets including a Husky, Beagle, Golden Retriever, and a cat, reflecting their shared love for animals.

Sidhartha Mallya has pursued diverse interests, having recently authored a children’s book titled “Sad-Glad,” which focuses on helping children navigate their emotions. He was born in Los Angeles, raised in London and the UAE, and has studied at institutions like Wellington College, Queen Mary University of London, and the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. His career spans modeling, acting, and now children’s literature, showcasing his multifaceted talents and interests.