The iconic film Sholay, written by the celebrated duo Salim-Javed, is set for a special screening in Mumbai. This one-time event, which celebrates the magic of Salim-Javed’s work, will take place at Regal Cinema on August 31. The announcement was made on Wednesday via the official Instagram page of Tiger Baby Films, noting that ticket bookings will open the following day.

Director Ramesh Sippy and the legendary writers Salim-Javed will attend the screening. Sholay is a classic story about the village of Ramgarh, where retired police chief Thakur Baldev Singh, played by Sanjeev Kumar, seeks to defeat the notorious bandit Gabbar Singh, portrayed by Amjad Khan. Thakur recruits two small-time criminals, Jai (Amitabh Bachchan) and Veeru (Dharmendra), to help him. The plot thickens when Jai and Veeru discover that Thakur has been rendered powerless because Gabbar had previously cut off his arms. This revelation inspires Jai and Veeru to intensify their efforts to assist Thakur.

The special screening comes at a time when cinema enthusiasts are revisiting Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar’s impactful work through the docu-series Angry Young Men. This three-part series, titled Angry Young Men: The Salim-Javed Story, explores their significant contributions to Indian cinema and features interviews with stars like Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, and Hrithik Roshan. Directed by Namrata Rao and produced by Salman Khan Films, Excel Media and Entertainment, and Tiger Baby, the series delves into their legendary careers.