After the interim bail granted to Allu Arjun for four weeks after his arrest on Friday in connection with the tragic death of a woman during a stampede at a screening of his latest film, Pushpa 2, outside a Hyderabad theatre on December 4. After spending a night in custody, Allu Arjun returned to his home in Jubilee Hills on Saturday morning, where he was greeted by friends and colleagues, including celebrities like Naga Chaitanya, Rana Daggubati, Vijay Deverakonda, and Pushpa director Sukumar. Photos of their visit quickly circulated online, showcasing what many perceived as a celebratory atmosphere.
However, the internet reacted negatively to Allu Arjun’s apparent celebrations, especially as a minor victim of the stampede remains in critical condition. Critics took to social media to express their disapproval, labeling the actor’s actions as “insensitive.” One comment read, “Today’s non-stop celebrity visits and the publicity around it has tilted the scales in favor of Revanth Reddy. I am sure I am not the only one feeling that way. I like Allu Arjun but today should have been a day of introspection, not celebration.”
Another user remarked, “Shamelessly celebrating the bail moments but no one cares about the woman’s family. Overall, Revanth Reddy is portrayed as a daring leader who didn’t fear taking bold steps.” Additional comments criticized the gathering of Tollywood celebrities at Allu Arjun’s home, suggesting it resembled a public relations stunt rather than a genuine show of support.
An X user added, “We should not expect all actors to have such traits, because men like @PawanKalyan come once in a million years. These are mere actors who make their living with publicity. All emotional scenes took place in front of the press. It’s needless to explain that it’s not coincidental.”
The stampede occurred on December 4 when Allu Arjun made what police described as an “unscheduled” visit to the theatre. The incident resulted in the tragic death of a woman and injuries to her son, further intensifying public scrutiny of the actor’s response to the situation.
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