Actor Shakti Arora recently surprised everyone by leaving the popular TV show “Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein” (GHKKPM). He had been with the show for over a year and played a significant role in its success. Despite high ratings, including a 2.1 TRP during the World Cup season, the channel decided to take a leap in the storyline, leading to Arora’s unexpected exit.

Shakti Arora’s exit was not only surprising for his fans but also for the actor himself. “It was unexpected because we were getting amazing TRPs,” he said. He first heard the news through media reports about a month and a half before it became official. Although he tried to talk to the producers to find a way to stay on the show, his efforts did not work out. Reflecting on his last days on set, Arora shared, “Till the last day and last shot, it wasn’t sinking in that the show was ending for me. When that moment finally came, a hollowness seeped in.”

Now that his journey on GHKKPM has ended, Arora is taking a different approach to his career. “Every time I leave a show, I start manifesting about the next one. This time I am not,” he said. Instead of planning his next steps, Arora is open to whatever opportunities come his way. “I want God to show me what he wants to give me. Let life be a surprise.”

This new mindset shows Arora’s willingness to embrace the unknown and trust in the future. While he dreams of working in films like many actors, he is very selective about the roles he takes. “It’s about getting opportunities, and if you get that, does it give you creative satisfaction, adds to your image and market value. If it isn’t happening, it’s not worth taking,” he explained.

Arora’s future is full of possibilities. Even though he has received offers from films and OTT platforms, he has turned them down if they did not align with his career goals. His decisions show his commitment to maintaining the quality of his work and ensuring that his performances are meaningful to his audience.

Shakti Arora’s exit from “Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein” marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. As he looks forward to new opportunities, his fans and the industry are excited to see what he does next. With his talent and positive attitude, Shakti Arora is ready to explore new horizons and reach even greater heights in his career.