In the latest interview with The Indian Express, Shahid Kapoor has commented on Jab We Met’s lead characters, Aditya and Geet: “Today, if they were together, they will probably be sitting at a divorce lawyer’s office.” He agreed with Imtiaz Ali, who had considered that it would not have “a happy ending” in the case of the couple. Shahid joked that “she is her own favourite, who can ever put up with her?” regarding Geet.
Despite a tremendous re-release last year and a week-long phenomenon last year, Shahid explained to the fans that he could not disappoint them but was sticking to Imtiaz’s vision. He added, “If our filmmaker thinks these two will divorce each other, then who am I to come in between? I am just an actor.”
Interestingly, Jab We Met was released in a time when Shahid and Kareena Kapoor had recently split up after a long relationship. They later reunited professionally on screen for the 2016 film Udta Punjab although they didn’t share any scenes together.
When asked if there might be a second part to Jab We Met Kareena said that will depend on what Imtiaz Ali wants and that Shahid humorously added was “moved on.” Kareena, in all seriousness, had joked that maybe people missing out could just order the DVD.
While Shahid can be seen next in Deva and a movie with Vishal Bhardwaj, last seen was the film Singham Again.