Following the discovery that he had overpaid while handing the lease of his well-known sea-front bungalow Mannat in Bandra, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan will receive a negotiated refund of Rs 9 crore from the Maharashtra Government.

Suburban resident Satish Bagal, a collector, said on Saturday that Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan transformed their heritage property lease in 2019 to “class 1 total ownership” and gave a government payment as part of the process.

A fresh evaluation revealed a tabulation error in the computation of the Khans&’ premium paid, causing the excessive payment. Upon their discovery of the mistake, the Khans asked the revenue agency for a refund, which was permitted earlier this week.

The actor has reportedly paid more than 25 crore in lease conversion policy premiums. Though authorities have not quite confirmed the exact figure, the Rs 9 crore refund rests on the revised calculation.

For the couple, who have long been associated with the inheritance property that has become a well-known Mumbai landmark, the reimbursement offers some relief. Shah Rukh Khan’s “Mannat” still stands as a mark of his success and intimate ties to the city; therefore, the refund adds a positive chapter to his continuing connection with the government.