Actor Shah Rukh Khan recently shared details about his unique lifestyle, revealing that he goes to bed at 5 a.m. but still manages to wake up by 9 or 10 a.m. for work. After finishing work and returning home around 2 a.m., he takes a bath and then fits in a workout session before finally going to sleep.

Shah Rukh discussed his routine, saying, “I go to sleep at five in the morning. When Mark Wahlberg wakes up, I go to sleep. Then I wake up around nine or ten if I’m shooting. But after coming home at 2 a.m., I take a bath and work out before going to bed.” According to reports, Shah Rukh eats only one meal a day and limits his daily workout to just 30 minutes.

Reflecting on his four-year break from the industry, Shah Rukh explained, “At 55, I took a sort of sabbatical. During the pandemic, with little else to do, I was encouraging everyone to learn Italian cooking and work out. I focused on working out and built a body. After four years, people began to miss me because before that, I was constantly in the public eye.”