Farah Khan’s mother, Menaka Irani, passed away on Friday at the age of 79. Many celebrities visited Farah’s home to pay their respects. Among them were Rani Mukerji, Shilpa Shetty, Bhushan Kumar, and MC Stan.
Actor Shah Rukh Khan, along with his wife Gauri Khan and their daughter Suhana Khan, also visited Farah. They arrived at Farah’s house in the evening. Shah Rukh was dressed in a white shirt, jeans, and shoes, and carried a bag. Gauri wore a green and white outfit, while Suhana chose a black sweatshirt and trousers.
In a video, Shah Rukh was seen hugging Farah before leaving. He blew her a kiss and waved goodbye as they went to their separate cars. Farah was dressed in a blue shirt and pants. Shah Rukh’s manager, Pooja Dadlani, was with them as well.
A few days before her passing, Farah had shared on Instagram that her mother had undergone multiple surgeries. She wrote about how much she loved her mother, praising her strength and sense of humor despite her health struggles.
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