Actor Ahan Shetty, following ‘Tadap’, is set to collaborate once again with producer Sajid Nadiadwala for ‘Sanki’, featuring Pooja Hegde as the lead. The release date was announced by the makers on Saturday. Nadiadwala Grandson, the film’s production house, shared the news on their social media handle on X, captioning the post, “The Sanki’s are on their way to take over the cinemas on Valentine’s Day. #SajidNadiadwala’s #Sanki starring #AhanShetty & @hegdepooja releasing on 14th February 2025 in cinemas near you. Directed by #AdnanAShaikh & #YasirJah Written by @rajatsaroraa.”
On Ahan’s 28th birthday, an Instagram post on Nadiadwala Grandson’s account hinted at the collaboration between the actor and producer. “Dearest @ahan.shetty, Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. We’re incredibly excited and can’t wait for you to unwrap our gift of love next month. So, as we start another journey to achieve one more movie milestone together, let the celebrations begin #SajidNadiadwala @wardakhannadiadwala,” the post read.
Ahan made his debut with Sajid’s film ‘Tadap’ in 2021, alongside Tara Sutaria. Written by Rajat Aroraa and directed by debut directors Adnan A. Shaikh and Yasir Jah, ‘Sanki’ is slated to hit theaters on February 14, 2025 (Valentine’s Day).
Meanwhile, Sajid Nadiadwala’s upcoming projects include ‘Housefull 5’, marking the first-ever franchise film in Indian Cinema to have five installments. The film will be helmed by Tarun Mansukhani, with Sajid producing it. Sajid is also producing ‘Chandu Champion’, directed by Kabir Khan, based on the extraordinary real-life story of a sportsman portrayed by Kartik Aaryan.
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