Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt is currently in Amritsar for the shooting of his upcoming films directed by Aditya Dhar. During their hectic shooting schedule, Dutt and Dhar took a moment to visit the Golden Temple on Tuesday to offer prayers. Yami Gautam also joined her husband, Aditya Dhar, for the sacred visit. Several photos emerged online showing Yami, Dutt, and Dhar seeking blessings, with the trio also posing for pictures with fans. Yami, carrying her son Vedavid in her arms, was seen in one of the images.
Earlier on Tuesday, Dutt met Punjab Minister Kuldeep Dhaliwal, who shared photos from their meeting on X. Last month, Aditya Dhar also visited the Golden Temple with actor Ranveer Singh, who posted pictures on Instagram with the caption, “Jaako raakhe sayiyaan maar sake na koi.”
Also Read: Sanjay Dutt Replaced In Son Of Sardaar 2 After UK Visa Denial
Dhar, Singh, and Dutt are working together on a project that includes R Madhavan, Akshaye Khanna, and Arjun Rampal. The film is produced by Jyoti Deshpande of Jio Studios, along with Aditya Dhar and Lokesh Dhar under their B62 Studios banner. This project follows their previous hit, ‘Article 370’. Reports indicate that the movie is based on remarkable true events from R&AW’s history, set in the golden era of Indian Intelligence Agencies, coinciding with the rise of R&AW.
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