Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt will feature alongside Telugu actor Ram Pothineni in filmmaker Puri Jagannadh’s upcoming pan-India film “Double iSmart”, the makers announced. The film, backed by the filmmaker and Charmme Kaur’s banner Puri Connects, is a sequel to Pothineni and Jagannadh’s 2019 sci-fi action film “iSmart Shankar”, about an assassin who helps the police when a slain cop’s memories are transferred to his brain.
The banner shared the news of Dutt joining the follow-up movie’s cast on social media to celebrate the actor’s 64th birthday. “Double ISMART is now Double MASS Team #DoubleISMART welcomes on board the powerhouse performer @duttsanjay for the most dynamic role #BIGBULL” Puri Connects tweeted. The studio also unveiled a character poster for Dutt in which he is seen sporting a funky hairdo with a beard, and wearing a suit with earrings, rings, and a tattoo on his face and fingers.
In a tweet, Dutt said he is thrilled to have teamed up with Jagannadh and Pothineni for the “sci-fi mass entertainer”.
“It takes me immense pride to be working with the director of the masses #PuriJagannadh ji and the young energetic Ustaad @ramsayz Glad to be playing the #BIGBULL in this sci-fi mass entertainer #DoubleISMART. Excited to be teaming up with this super-talented team,” the actor tweeted. “Double iSmart” went on floors a few days ago in Mumbai.
Well-known Hollywood cinematographer Gianni Giannelli has been roped in for the film, which will be released on March 8, 2024, in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi. Besides “Double iSmart”, Dutt will be seen in Tamil movie “Leo”, featuring superstar Thalapathy Vijay and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj.
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