On January 5, actress Sana Khan and her husband, Anas Saiyad, were thrilled to share the news of their second child, a boy. Sana posted a touching video on Instagram to express gratitude and happiness. The announcement post reflected the couple’s excitement and expressed blessings for the baby’s future, even though they haven’t disclosed the name or face of their infant.
In her note, Sana wrote, “All praise belongs to Allah. May He bless us to raise our son with kindness and righteousness, making him one of His faithful servants.” She added, “Our hearts are full as we welcome our little prince! Big brother Tariq Jamil is thrilled to meet his baby brother.” The post concluded with a caption about faith and destiny, expressing their gratitude for the joy their growing family brings.
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After marrying Anas Saiyad in November 2020, Sana, who was well-known for her parts in Salman Khan‘s Jai Ho and Bigg Boss 6, retired from acting. In July 2023, the couple welcomed Tariq Jamil, their first child. Just nine months later, Sana revealed her second pregnancy on Instagram with a post full of prayers, highlighting their faith and optimism for blessings.
The couple’s announcement and journey to parenthood touched many, who congratulated them on their growing family and wished them luck with their new child.