Shera, who has been Salman Khan’s bodyguard for over 20 years, recently shared a photo of his new luxury car on social media. The image shows Shera, standing proudly next to his new Range Rover Sport, priced at Rs 1.4 crore, as reported by DNA. He captioned the post, “With the blessings of the almighty 🙏🏻 we welcome the new member in the house 🚙.”
Born as Gurmeet Singh in a Sikh family in Andheri (Manish Nagar), Mumbai, Shera’s journey to becoming a trusted figure in Bollywood began with his passion for bodybuilding. He won several contests, including Mr. Mumbai and placed second in Mr. Maharashtra. His impressive physique eventually led to a career in security during the early ’90s when Andre Timmins of Wizcraft invited him to protect Bollywood celebrities.
Shera first met Salman in 1995 at a party for Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves. After a chaotic incident at a Chandigarh show, where the crowd became uncontrollable, Salman’s brother Sohail Khan sought a more capable bodyguard, leading Shera to join the team. While many affectionately call Salman “Bhai,” Shera refers to him as “Maalik,” which means master. “Maalik means master, and Salman Maalik is everything to me. I will lay down my life for him. He is my god,” Shera once told The Indian Express.
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