The Galaxy Apartments in Bandra upgraded its security measures in response to the gunshot incident outside Salman Khan’s home. High-definition CCTV cameras, bulletproof windows, and a contemporary security system to identify questionable activities were all part of this makeover. Salman Khan welcomes his admirers from the apartment’s balcony, which has been strengthened with bulletproof glass. Salman Khan’s parents reside on the ground floor of the building, while he resides in a one-bedroom home on the ground floor.
The security improvements come after two men on a bike shot at Salman Khan’s house on April 14 and then ran away. The actor feels that the incident was an attempt on his life and attributes it to gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. The issue stems from Salman Khan’s conviction in the Blackbuck poaching case in 1998. Salman Khan received numerous threats from Bishnoi, who revere Blackbucks as sacred animals. This was held to be a significant issue of an escalation to the present threats.
Tension heightened further when, in October, former Maharashtra minister Baba Siddique, a close associate of Salman Khan, was murdered in Mumbai. The brother of Lawrence Bishnoi, Anmol, is a key suspect in the case and is currently detained in the US. According to the police investigation, Siddique’s ties to Salman Khan were likely a motive for the murder.
Earlier, even Salman Khan had received a threat when an unknown caller demanded ₹2 crore from him, and he sent multiple WhatsApp messages to the Mumbai Police’s traffic helpline. A case has been registered with Worli police in this connection.