Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has unveiled the first look of the highly anticipated docuseries Angry Young Men: The Salim-Javed Story. On Saturday, Salman shared the poster via his Instagram account and expressed his enthusiasm for presenting this significant story to audiences globally. The caption on his post read, “Salim Khan, Javed Akhtar in and as Angry Young Men” #AngryYoungMenOnPrime, New Series, Aug 20.”

This docuseries will explore the journey of Salim-Javed, the iconic screenwriting duo who transformed Hindi cinema in the 1970s with their compelling narratives. They are behind some of Bollywood’s most celebrated blockbusters, including Sholay, Zanjeer, Deewaar, Yaadon Ki Baaraat, and Don. Their contribution to Indian cinema is monumental, with Sholay being a particularly groundbreaking film. Other notable works include Seeta Aur Geeta, Trishul, Shaan, Shakti, and Kala Patthar.

Produced by Salman Khan Films, Excel Media & Entertainment, and Tiger Baby, Angry Young Men is executive produced by Salman Khan, Salma Khan, Ritesh Sidhwani, Farhan Akhtar, Zoya Akhtar, and Reema Kagti. The series marks the directorial debut of Namrata Rao and will feature personal insights from Salim-Javed and reflections from prominent figures in Indian cinema.

Angry Young Men will be available exclusively on Prime Video, reaching viewers in India and over 240 countries and territories.