Actor Saif Ali Khan recently met auto driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who rushed him to Lilavati Hospital after he was stabbed during a burglary at his Bandra home. Saif personally thanked Bhajan for his timely help before being discharged from the hospital. Pictures shared on social media show the two posing together with smiles, and Bhajan also met Saif’s family, including his mother, Sharmila Tagore, who thanked him for his swift actions.
Saif was kidnapped and stabbed on January 16 by Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, who hails from Bangladesh as an illegal immigrant, when he attempted to hold him up for a robbery. The attacker, while trying to flee, stabbed Saif in the back and escaped through a window of a bathroom. Bhajan, who was driving his auto late at night, spotted the bloodied actor around 2-3 a.m and rushed him straight to the hospital. Bhajan, later, knew that the guy he saved belonged to Saif Ali Khan.
To ANI, Bhajan remembered saying: “It was 2-3 in the night and I was moving my vehicle around. I had seen a girl who was trying to board an auto but no one stopped. Later, I heard inside the gate asking for a rickshaw. I also took a U-turn and put my vehicle aside near the main gate.”. A man covered in blood came out, along with 2-4 others. They put him in the auto and decided to go to Lilavati Hospital. I dropped them there, and later I came to know that he was Saif Ali Khan. I saw him bleeding from his neck and back.
The police later recorded Saif’s statement after he returned home.