A knife assault on Saif at their house has earned Bollywood actors Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor short police protection. The mishap sent the actor to the hospital for five days and needed surgery as he was hurt.

Saif Ali Khan’s Family is safeguarded by the police.

Released from Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday, Saif returned to his Bandra residence. According to an ETimes article, the Mumbai Police are giving Saifaq, Kareen, and their children, Timur and Jeh, short-term security. “Two constables have been chosen to make sure their safety is guaranteed outside. ”

The Bandra police station in the affluent area where many well-known celebrities live has increased security. Measures consist of more foot patrols as well as monitoring of vehicles. Among several well-known events lately is the assault on Saif, shots close to Salman Khan’s home, and Baba Siddiqui’s murder. There will also be hourly monitoring of suburb public spaces.

Saif Ali Khan Improves Personal Security.

Saif has upgraded security systems at his Bandra (West) house in reaction to the assault. Before his release, a security firm was brought on to put video cameras at the entrance of the structure. The security company of actor Ronit Roy is helping to fortify his house security. Roy verified this for HT City.

Stabbing Incident Specifics

Six wounds, including deep lacerations on his back and neck, were suffered by Saif Ali Khan in the knife assault at his residence. The actor seems to have been protecting his staff and family from the attacker. Greeted by cheering fans, he returned home on Tuesday.

Bangladeshi national the attacker was apprehended and is now being held in police cells. Authorities said the intruder was unware of Saif’s famous reputation and trying to steal something.