Actor Riteish Deshmukh is set to star in an upcoming web series titled ‘Pill’. Over the weekend, the creators revealed the show’s motion poster, offering viewers a peek into a “whistleblower’s earnest fight against the dark and corrupt world of the pharmaceutical industry through a riveting tale of good versus evil.”
‘Pill’ is produced by Ronnie Screwvala’s RSVP Movies and created by Raj Kumar Gupta. It is scheduled for release on JioCinema on July 12. Additionally, in the upcoming months, Riteish Deshmukh will appear alongside Sonakshi Sinha and Saqib Saleem in ‘Kakuda’. According to a statement, ‘Kakuda’ is set in the village of Ratodi in Mathura district, Uttar Pradesh.
Official synopsis of the project read, “. While Ratodi seems like any other village, it isn’t because of the curse inflicted upon it for years. Every house in the district has two similar looking doors, one that is normal size and one which is smaller than the other. The film revolves around a peculiar ritual that demands the opening of the smaller door of each house every Tuesday at 7:15 pm sharp. Failure to comply with this rule invites the wrath of Kakuda, who punishes the man of the house. But who is Kakuda…Why does he punish the men in the village? How will the villagers get rid of the curse? Beware! Ab Mard Khatre Me Hai!”
The film is helmed by Aditya Sarpotdar.”As a filmmaker and a fan of the horror-comedy genre, I find it incredibly fascinating to explore the delicate balance between fear and laughter. It’s a challenging task to make viewers simultaneously scared and amused, but with ‘Kakuda,’ I am confident that we have hit the right chord yet again,” he said.
“I am thrilled to have worked with an exceptionally talented cast, including Riteish Deshmukh, Sonakshi Sinha, Saqib Saleem and Aasif Khan who have supported the narrative brilliantly by adding humour and emotions to the story. Their spotless comic timing and the way they portray genuine emotions have made my job as a director much easier. Together, we have crafted a unique and engaging story that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating every twist and turn,” he added.
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