Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal have happily welcomed their first child, a baby girl, born on July 16. Recently capturing their anticipation of parenthood in a peaceful maternity photoshoot, the Bollywood stars announced their daughter’s birth with a heartfelt joint statement. They expressed their happiness, stating, “We are delighted to share the arrival of a healthy baby girl! Our families are thrilled, and we are grateful for the love and blessings from everyone who supports us.”
Leading up to the birth, Richa Chadha had shared intimate moments of her pregnancy journey on social media, including touching maternity photos capturing the couple’s anticipation. In one poignant post, Richa expressed profound gratitude to Ali Fazal, her partner in this transformative journey, and credited photographer Rid Burman for capturing their essence in their natural habitat.
Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal’s journey from co-stars in “Fukrey” to life partners culminated in an eco-friendly wedding ceremony in September 2022, followed by their marriage in Lucknow on October 4. Their announcement of pregnancy, marked with the symbolic equation “1+1=3,” resonated deeply with their fans, symbolizing the beginning of a new chapter filled with love and hope.
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