Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor will soon be seen in his Sandeep Reddy Vanga film, Animal, releasing on December 1. Now, he and his Animal co-star, Rashmika Mandanna, will be appear on Tollywood star Nandamuri Balakrishna’s (or Balayya, as he is popularly called) talk show called Unstoppable with NBK. It has been reported that the shoot for this Ranbir Kapoor episode will take place on November 14 in Hyderabad.

Director Sandeep Reddy Vanga was the director of Arjun Reddy and with Animal, he has created a strong buzz for the film across India. Bobby Deol is playing the antagonist in this pan-Indian film. Animal has seen its popularity soar not just among the Hindi audience but the Telugu audience as well. It is being released by well-known producer Dil Raju in the Telugu-speaking states.
The movie was slated for release in August but got delayed due to post-production work. There were also rumours that Ranbir Kapoor slashed his remuneration to help out producers Bhushan Kumar and Sadeep Reddy Vanga as costs went well over budget.

Unstoppable with NBK streams on Aha OTT and fans are excited about this new episode. A press note from Aha stated, “The Unstoppable with NBK show is set to welcome none other than the Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor, alongside the enchanting Rashmika Mandanna and the visionary director Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Brace yourselves for an extraordinary episode, as these luminaries’ step into the spotlight to promote their upcoming cinematic spectacle, promising an unforgettable fusion of talent, charisma, and entertainment that transcends boundaries and sets a new standard for talk show brilliance.”