Director Shankar’s first Telugu film Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, is set to release in December this year. On Monday, the filmmakers unveiled the second song from the movie, titled “Raa Macha Macha.”
The second song, “Raa Macha Macha,” also known as “Dam Tu Dikhaja” in Hindi, follows the earlier release of Jaragandi. The film’s official X (formerly Twitter) account shared the song, writing, “The biggest folk fever is now taking over. Dance your hearts out!” The track, composed by Thaman S, features vocals by Nakash Aziz and lyrics by Anantha Sriram.
In the lyrical video, Ram Charan’s character is shown stepping out of a helicopter in front of a large crowd. The song is said to be the character’s introductory sequence, filmed on Vizag’s Beach Road. A number of dancers dressed in traditional folk attire join him in the performance.
Interestingly, Ram Charan pays tribute to his father by recreating Chiranjeevi’s iconic veena step from Indra’s “Dayi Dayi Damma.” The song even includes the line, “Veena step-u vestheni, whistle sound-u dhada dhada (Whistles galore when I do the veena step).”
Fans were delighted by the reference, with one commenting, “Super, daddy ‘Veena step’ ni dito dinchi danchthadu (Super, he recreated his father’s veena step so well).” Another fan added, “#Ramcharan veena step thought ke bhale undi (Just the thought of Ram Charan recreating the veena step is nice).” One user noted, “Erra kanduva – Babai fans kosam. Veena step – Daddy fans kosam. (Red cloth for uncle’s fans, veena step for father’s fans).”
Game Changer boasts a star-studded cast including Anjali, SJ Suryah, Kiara Advani, Srikanth, Jayaram, Sunil, Samuthirakani, and Nassar. Karthik Subbaraj penned the story, Shankar handled the screenplay, and Sai Madhav Burra wrote the dialogues. Filming, which began in 2021, wrapped up in July 2024. The movie will hit theatres in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi on December 20.
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