Recently, Rakhi Sawant opened up on the heavy emotional struggles she faced while going through the highly knotty legal case she was battling against her ex-husband, Aadil. “I had to go to the crematorium to collect my mother’s ashes. That’s such a gross thing,” She stated with much pain on her face.

Rakhi has found herself to be a refugee in a foreign country while trying to escape jail time, which she might have to suffer due to the allegations against her. All this makes her frustrated with the situation as she sees that the system is targeting her knowingly. “I am being treated unfairly,” she lamented, desperately pleading to return home.

Rakhi urged Prime Minister Modi, the BJP government, and the Mumbai Police to grant her bail and expedite legal proceedings with an emotional appeal. “It is a very long-drawn affair,” she said. “Mental health is being affected; I am not able to perform the obsequies for my mother according to the rituals of my caste. She’s not been given proper last rites.”.

“I just want to go back home,” shared Rakhi who underlined that her long wish was to renew her ties with her homeland after two years abroad. Her case makes multitudes of persons stuck in legal cases pay a heavy price at the personal level as they are interconnected.

The appeal and tears from the former reality TV star have struck a chord with many to raise yet another curtain of wanting to see justice exposed beneath the burden that seems too much to take. As Rakhi continues to gain resolution in her legal matters, her story reminds everyone of the human perspective of legal cases and the thrust that can be subjected to people trying to achieve normalcy.