Alia Bhatt recently enjoyed a drive around Mumbai with her daughter, Raha Kapoor, and the sweet video of them together is winning hearts online. Raha, the daughter of Alia and Ranbir Kapoor, was born in November 2022, following their April wedding. The couple frequently shares glimpses of their family life, and this latest video shows Raha sitting cozily on Alia’s lap in their black SUV.
Watch Raha and Alia’s Heartwarming Mumbai Outing
In the video, a drowsy Raha is seen sucking her thumb while resting on her mother’s lap. Fans have been showering the video with affection, with one Instagram user commenting, “Cute baby… little mama,” and another saying, “We love you Raha and Alia.” An X user added, “Raha is the cutest of them all.”
Earlier this July, Alia was spotted wrapping Raha in a blanket and holding her close during a rainy day in Mumbai. Recently, Ranbir Kapoor was also seen with Raha outside their home, waiting for him.
Alia’s Upcoming Projects
Alia Bhatt is set to appear in the film Jigra, which releases on October 11, directed by Vasan Bala and featuring Vedang Raina. She will also star alongside Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love & War. Additionally, Alia will be featured in the upcoming YRF film Alpha, where she and Sharvari will play spies, directed by Shiv Rawail.