Baba Ramdev and Balkrishna were present as guests at the wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, who got married on July 12 in Mumbai. A video of Baba Ramdev engaging in conversation with Radhika Merchant has gone viral,  with viewers speculating about the topic of their discussion.

The video, shared on the Instagram page “Ambani Family,” captures Radhika seemingly discussing the importance of being informed before addressing guests, a conversation that made Baba Ramdev laugh heartily.

In the clip, Baba Ramdev, Balkrishna, and Baba Bageshwar are seen smiling as Radhika animatedly talks, while Anant Ambani converses with another guest. The context of their discussion remains unknown, but it has resonated with many viewers, sparking curiosity and amusement online.

Since its posting, the video has garnered over 240,000 views, with users expressing their thoughts in the comments. One user described the interaction as “amazing,” while another likened it to conversations they typically have. A third commenter asked for clarification on the conversation’s content.