Iconic actor Shah Rukh Khan, known for his countless hit films and signature wide-arm pose, turned 59 on November 2, 2024. Breaking away from his long-standing tradition of greeting the thousands of fans gathered outside his residence, Mannat, the Badshah of Bollywood opted instead for a newer tradition he’s established—a meet-and-greet event with fans on his birthday. Arriving at the event, aptly named ‘SRK Day’, and organized by his fan clubs in Bandra, Shah Rukh joined at 6:30 PM, taking time to patiently answer numerous questions from his excited supporters.
On his birthday, it was Shah Rukh Khan who delighted his fans by performing several of his popular songs. In a clip from the event, SRK is seen on stage dancing alongside a group of performers to his well-known track, Baadshah O Baadshah. The hall resonated with energy as fans enthusiastically cheered, and Shah Rukh acknowledged their excitement by blowing kisses to the crowd.
The event featured a lively Q&A session, giving fans the chance to ask their favorite star questions. During the session, one fan asked Shah Rukh whom he usually sides with when his three children—Aryan, Suhana, and AbRam—get into arguments. With his trademark humor, the Pathaan star responded:
“Waise hoti nahi hai unki fight. Actually ajeeb si baat hai, main wahi soch raha hu kabhi aaj tak ladaai hui nahi hai. Aur ho bhi naa. Property ke batwaare mein badi problem hoti hai warna.”
Even on his birthday, Shah Rukh Khan showed that being a dad is a full-time commitment that doesn’t take a day off. He shared how his special day began with him tackling AbRam’s iPad issues after the device suddenly stopped working. Shortly after, the devoted dad helped his daughter Suhana with a wardrobe dilemma. The birthday star playfully quipped:
“I learn from my family that your patience is directly proportional to the numbers of kids you have.”
Shah Rukh then added a heartfelt reflection on the values he strives to uphold in both his personal and professional life. Sharing a lesson from his family, he said:
“This is the learning that I carry from my home to my work. I try and fix the problems that people are facing, at my shoot, at work. I think patience is the one thing I have learnt from my family.”
Kolkata Knight Riders, the IPL team supported by Shah Rukh Khan, shared a heartwarming clip from the event on Instagram. In the video, SRK is seen cutting a cake as his fans sing “Happy Birthday” to him. The team sweetly wished him in the caption, playfully adding that the celebration was happening at ‘Pathaan’s’ house today.
Must Read: SRK Turns 59: Thanks Fans And Showcases Iconic Open-Arms Pose | WATCH
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