Actor-singer Nick Jonas delighted fans on Saturday by sharing an unseen photo from the day he proposed to Priyanka Chopra, marking their engagement anniversary. Taking to Instagram, Nick posted a picture where he smiled at the camera while holding Priyanka’s hand. Priyanka, hiding her face, flaunted her engagement ring. The couple wore white and black outfits respectively in the intimate setting. Nick captioned the post, “I asked the most amazing woman in the world to marry me 6 years ago today. Thank you for saying yes @priyankachopra.”
Fans’ Reactions:
Fans flooded the post with heartfelt comments. One fan wrote, “You both fell and chose love wisely.” Another commented, “You can just tell she was speechless… over the edge. Just breathless…” An Instagram user added, “6 years of eternity. You both are incredible together and such an inspiration for love and companionship. We love you!” Another fan said, “Thank you for saying yes, @priyankachopra. I love your family. So cute and love you guys happy.”
Priyanka’s Response:
Priyanka Chopra also shared Nick’s post on her Instagram Stories, writing, “Cannot believe it’s been 6 years since this day,” accompanied by heart eyes, kiss, and nazar amulet emojis.
About Priyanka and Nick:
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas got married in a grand ceremony at Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace on December 1 and 2, 2018, combining Christian and Hindu traditions. They later hosted two receptions in Delhi and Mumbai. In January 2022, the couple announced the birth of their daughter, Malti Marie, via surrogacy.
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