Priyanka Chopra recently checked off a significant wish from her bucket list. She had always dreamt of experiencing a Bollywood moment in the snow, and she made it a reality in the breathtaking snowy landscapes of Crans Montana in the Swiss Alps. Taking to Instagram, Priyanka shared a reel of herself twirling in slow motion amidst the snow-covered mountains. The background music she chose was the iconic Yash Chopra song Chandni, originally picturised on Sridevi in the Alps. Priyanka sported a heavy jacket layered over a blue pantsuit, radiating Bollywood vibes. Sharing her excitement, she captioned the video, “Making my Bollywood dreams come true in Crans Montana.”
Priyanka also posted a series of behind-the-scenes photos from her shoot in Switzerland. In her carousel post, she included pictures with the crew, solo shots, and glimpses of the local food and drinks she enjoyed. She even shared moments from her walk on a snow-covered trail. Reflecting on the fun, she wrote, “Just a little BTS from my @perfectmomentsports @johnniewalker campaign shoot in Switzerland. Amongst an actual blizzard. But fun was had.”
Just a few days ago, Priyanka treated her fans to a sneak peek of her time on the sets of Citadel 2. In the collection of pictures, she shared adorable moments with her daughter, Malti Marie. One photo shows Priyanka strolling through London with Malti singing by her side. In another heartwarming video, Malti enjoys a ride on a swing, with Priyanka lovingly pushing her. The album also featured some glamorous selfies with the caption “When the glam is so good.” Priyanka captioned the entire post “lately” and added special captions for each image.
On the professional front, Priyanka Chopra recently completed filming for The Bluff, directed by Frank E. Flowers. To mark the occasion, she shared a carousel of pictures and videos on Instagram. Expressing her joy, she captioned the post, “It’s a picture wrap on The Bluff!!! … and to do it with my family by my side and the incredible people that made this movie possible is such a privilege. This one truly has been a labor of love.”
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