Actor Priyanka Chopra attended the wedding celebrations of her brother Siddharth Chopra and his fiancée Neelam Upadhyaya in Mumbai on Friday evening. Earlier this year, the couple had their Roka ceremony in April, with Priyanka also present for that. She arrived in India in the early hours of Friday to join the festivities.

Priyanka Shines in Pink Saree

In a video shared by a paparazzo on Instagram, Priyanka was seen making her entrance to the venue alongside a friend. She donned a stunning pink saree paired with a matching blouse, complementing it with striking jewellery and a stylish bun. She carried a chic bag to complete her look.

Warm Interaction with Paparazzi

Upon arriving at the event, Priyanka briefly paused to pose for the photographers. She smiled and waved but also appeared a bit surprised at one point, shaking her head before smiling again. A paparazzo greeted her with, “Welcome to India,” to which she responded, “Thank you.”

Later, as she left the venue, photographers requested more photos. In a hurry, Priyanka responded, “Aapko jaldi lena hoga, main nikal rahi hoon (You need to click quickly, I’m leaving). Thank you.” When someone remarked that she was hard to meet, she replied, “Milti hoon na main, hoon yaha pe (I meet you, I’m here now),” before getting into her car.

Priyanka’s Arrival in India

Earlier that day, Priyanka was spotted at the Mumbai airport in a casual outfit after wrapping up filming for her upcoming movie The Bluff. She greeted the paparazzi with a wave and flashed a peace sign. On Instagram, she posted a video from her flight window showing the city’s lights and captioned it, “Mumbai meri Jaan (Mumbai, my heart)…”

Previous Visit to Mumbai

Just last month, Priyanka attended the wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant in Mumbai, accompanied by her husband, Nick Jonas. She took to Instagram to share her excitement, posting photos from the event and expressing her love for the festivities. She humorously added, “Clearly, I missed chaats and dancing at baraats!”

Priyanka’s Film Projects

Priyanka is starring in The Bluff, directed by Frank E. Flowers, where she plays a former female pirate in 19th-century Caribbean settings. She is also set to feature alongside John Cena, Idris Elba, and Jack Quaid in the action-comedy Heads of State, directed by Ilya Naishuller. Fans are eagerly anticipating her Marathi film Paani, which is slated for release on October 18.