Priyanka Chopra recently took to social media to extend her light-hearted appreciation for the popular AI chatbot, ChatGPT. In a lighthearted series of Instagram stories, she posted several memes, but one of them caught attention. Such an interesting version was taken from a classic scene in Salman Khan’s film Maine Pyar Kiya, that dates back to 1989, using the song Mere Rang Mein Rangne Wali with ChatGPT as Bhagyashree’s character. In the original, Salman lovingly hugs Bhagyashree and says, “Mere sawaalon ka. jawaab do” (give answers to my questions); in the meme, though, ChatGPT drolly takes on Bhagyashree’s role, while Salman is the user as “me”. Priyanka captioned it, “Same OK Gn,” and playfully likened it to how she also turns to ChatGPT for answers.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra Hides Malti’s Face In ‘Diwaloween’ Photos, Fans Show Concern
Recently, another glimpse into Priyanka Chopra’s daily life featured her adorable moments with her two-year-old daughter, Malti Marie. Some of the cutest photos were included bouquets of flowers, early Christmas decorations, and an adorable shot of Malti draped in a rainbow unicorn blanket over her face. Priyanka captioned a second photo of herself laughing, “My daughter is funny! “She also posted a picture of Malti playing with Minnie Mouse toys, with the caption “I’m not crying. you are.” She concluded her week with a summation: “1: when the glam slaps 2: oh hello pelvic bones haven’t seen you for a while 3: it’s almost that time 4: skin prep before starting make up 5: so pretty 6: ‘I’m a rainbow ghost’ – MM 7: my daughter is funny! 8: Diana’s eyes. 9: ‘My family, I gotchu everyone’ I’m not crying you are.”
Priyanka Chopra Jonas earlier shared pictures from her family’s Diwali celebration, in which little Malti Marie looked quite charming in a floral-embroidered sari. Priyanka referred to it as “a perfect Diwaloween.” On the work front, Priyanka is currently shooting for Season 2 of Citadel and will be seen in the John Cena and Idris Elba starrerHeads of State. She is also confirmed in The Bluff, directed by Frank E Flowers; she plays a former pirate defending her family from her past in the 19th-century Caribbean.
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