Actor Pranitha Subhash recently took to social media to announce her second pregnancy. She shared heartwarming pictures from a photoshoot, proudly cradling her baby bump. Dressed in a black bodycon top and unbuttoned blue jeans, Pranitha captioned the photos on Instagram with, “Round 2… The pants don’t fit anymore!” On X, she shared a cute ‘knock knock’ joke, “Knock knock! Who’s there? Baby!! Baby who? Baby #2.”
Social Media Reactions
Fans quickly flooded her posts with congratulatory messages and heart emojis. Some fans had previously speculated about her pregnancy when she shared a reel wishing her husband, Nitin Raju, a happy birthday, noting a visible bump.
Family and Career
Pranitha married businessman Nitin Raju in 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the couple welcomed their first child in 2022. They celebrated their daughter’s first birthday in April this year. Pranitha shared, “My doll turns 2!!! Pictures from a year ago. 2 years of being mamma and dadda for me and Nitin.”
After taking a break from work post-marriage, Pranitha resumed her acting career this year, starring in the Malayalam film “Thankamani” and the Kannada film “Ramana Avatara.” She was last seen in the Hindi film “Bhuj: The Pride of India” in 2021.
Acting Career Highlights
Pranitha Subhash made her acting debut in 2010 with the Kannada film “Pokiri” and has since appeared in numerous Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada movies. She is known for her roles in films like “Attarintiki Daredi” and “Brahmotsavam.”
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