Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra tied the knot with her beau, AAP MP Raghav Chadha on September 24, 2023, in the presence of their respective families and close friends. The pictures and videos of the couple from the wedding festivities have taken over social media. On September 25, 2023, Priyanka Chopra’s wedding photographer, Joseph Radhik took to Twitter and shared some pictures of the actress’ bridal look and praised PeeCee for wearing red on her D-Day and penned:
“So much chatter on my timeline about Indian brides letting go of colour. Well, I remember taking photos of THIS stunner who embraced colour. Ain’t nobody like my desi girl!”
However, as soon as Joseph Radhik’s tweet went viral on the internet, netizens were shocked to see how the photographer pitted Parineeti against her own cousin, Priyanka Chopra. Parineeti Chopra’s look is being trolled on social media.
Parineeti Chopra opted for designer, Manish Malhotra’s white and golden lehenga with a long veil on her D-Day. She accessorised her look with emerald jewellery, which included a huge choker, matching earrings, and a maang teeka.
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