Bollywood stars made a stylish statement for Raksha Bandhan yesterday, with celebrities like Kareena Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan, and Alia Bhatt flaunting stunning ethnic ensembles. However, Ananya Panday took a different route, opting for a simple yet elegant look in a classic white kurta as she celebrated the occasion by tying Rakhi to her brother, Ahaan Panday. Known for always setting fresh fashion trends, the ‘Call Me Bae’ star showed that festive fashion doesn’t have to be extravagant. Her minimal aesthetic was a perfect example of understated elegance.
On Monday, Ananya delighted her fans by sharing a series of sweet photos on Instagram, captioned, “obsessed since day 1 🤭 happy Rakhi Ahaani, you’re so annoyinggggg I love you.” The post included throwback childhood pictures, capturing the close bond between Ananya and Ahaan. Let’s take a closer look at her heartwarming post!
Ananya’s white kurta is all about effortless elegance, featuring a keyhole neckline, sleeveless design, and crafted from pure mulmul cotton. The straight-fit kurta is adorned with embroidered floral motifs, scallop lace on the hem, and a pleated neckline. She paired it with white pants, creating a simple yet striking ethnic look. If you’re inspired by Ananya’s style and want to recreate it, you’re in luck! Her outfit is from the brand Mulmul and is priced at a budget-friendly Rs. 5,950.
Staying true to her minimal style, Ananya accessorized her look with a pair of simple stud earrings. Her makeup was subtle, with mascara-coated lashes, nude lipstick, defined brows, and blushed cheeks. She completed her look with her hair pulled back into a neat bun, perfectly embodying a minimal yet chic vibe.
On the professional front, Ananya Panday has several exciting projects lined up. Alongside ‘Call Me Bae’, she will star in Vikramaditya Motwane’s cyber thriller ‘CTRL’ on Netflix and continue her collaboration with Dharma Productions in the period film ‘Shankara’, where she will appear opposite Akshay Kumar.
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