The Telugu comedy drama series «Kumari Srimathi» will premiere on Prime Video on September 28, the streaming platform announced. Nithya Meenan is playing the lead role in the upcoming OTT project ‹Kumari Srimathi›. Along with Telugu, it will be released in Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi. I created the web series ‹Kumāri Shrimati› for the famous OTT platform Amazon Prime Video. ‹Kumari Shrimati›s first look is released. Also, a motion poster! ‹Kumari Shrimati› is meant to be created with the story in the background of the picture. Girl name: Smt. because she is not married, they call her ‹Kumari Shrimati›. This is Srinivas›s essential mark, Annamat. Step into Srimathi›s comical world, challenging tradition in a Telugu comedy drama. Premiering on Prime Video for laughter and enlightenment.
Starring Nithya Menen as Srimathi, the seven-episode series also features Nirupam, Gautami, Thiruveer, Talluri Rameshwari, Naresh, and Murali Mohan in pivotal roles. Set in a village in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, the series hilariously encapsulates the tribulations in the life of a 30-year-old woman (played by Menen), who challenges stereotypes in a small town riddled with antiquity.